This is supposed to be a topnav, but clearly it didn't work out.


Last updated January 11, 2023

The <head> element is the element that stores metadata (data about data), and is placed before the <body>, inside the <html> element. Data inside is not displayed. Only certain elements should be put inside the <head>:

      <!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Window title</title>

<h1> The head element </h1>
This window should be titled "Window title"!

Window Title = "Window title"

The head element

This page should be titled "Window title"!

This example uses the <title> element to set the title of the window.

      <!DOCTYPE html>
h1 {
color: green;

<h1> The head element </h1>
This page exists.


The head element

This window should be titled "Window title"!

This example uses the <style> element to make the heading green.